Generate example value tree using provided mermaid graph syntax.

value_tree(diagram, ...)



A character string containing the mermaid graph syntax for the value tree.


Other arguments and parameters you would like to send to JavaScript.


A DiagrammeR mermaid object representing the value tree


The function takes a mermaid graph syntax as input to create the value tree. This allows for flexibility in defining the tree structure and node relationships.

The example provided demonstrates a typical structure based on information from the effects_table:

  • Top-level node represents the overall Benefit-Risk Balance

  • Second-level nodes represent Factor for either Benefits or Risks (e.g., Benefit, Risk)

  • Third-level nodes represent Outcomes for the specific categories of Benefits and Risks

  • Fourth-level nodes include Statistics for specific endpoints or measures for each Outcome

Colors are used to differentiate between different levels or types of effects:

  • Green (#7ABD7E) for top-level and major category nodes

  • Yellow (#FFE733) for secondary category nodes

  • Orange (#FFAA1C) for specific endpoint nodes

  • Grey (#C6C6C6) for nodes which have been pruned from the tree

The mermaid syntax used in this function follows these conventions:

  • The graph is defined as left-to-right (LR) using graph LR;

  • Nodes are defined with letters (A, B, C, etc.) and their content is enclosed in parentheses

  • Node content is wrapped in tags for bold text

  • Relationships between nodes are defined using arrows (–>)

  • Node styles, including fill colors, are defined using the style keyword

For example: A(Node A)–>B(Node B) style A fill:#7ABD7E

This creates two nodes, A and B, with A linking to B, and sets the fill color of A to green.


  diagram =
    "graph LR;
  A(<B>Benefit-Risk Balance</B>)-->B(<B>Benefits</B>)
  B-->C(<B>Primary Efficacy</B>)
  B-->D(<B>Secondary Efficacy</B>)
  B-->E(<B>Quality of life</B>)
  C-->F(<B>% Success</B>)
  D-->G(<B>Mean change</B>)
  E-->H(<B>Mean change</B>)
  I-->J(<B>Recurring AE</B>)
  I-->K(<B>Rare SAE</B>)
  I-->L(<B>Liver Toxicity</B>)
  J-->M(<B>Event rate</B>)
  K-->N(<B>% Event</B>)
  L-->O(<B>% Event</B>)
  style A fill:#7ABD7E
  style B fill:#7ABD7E
  style I fill:#7ABD7E
  style C fill:#FFE733
  style D fill:#FFE733
  style E fill:#FFE733
  style J fill:#FFE733
  style K fill:#FFE733
  style L fill:#C6C6C6
  style F fill: #FFAA1C
  style G fill: #FFAA1C
  style H fill: #FFAA1C
  style M fill: #FFAA1C
  style N fill: #FFAA1C
  style O fill: #C6C6C6