Create a table that corresponds to the cumulative excess plot

gensurv_table(df_table, subjects, visits, fig_colors = c("#0571b0", "#ca0020"))



A dataframe with 5 variables named the following:

  1. obsv_duration: A variable that specifies the duration of the observational period (numerical).

  2. n: A vector containing a number of subjects who experienced an event at a given time (numerical).

  3. effect: specifies between an active or control effect.

  4. outcome: specifies whether the an outcome should be classified as a "Benefit" or "Risk" (this must have either "Benefit" or "Risk" as values).

  5. eff_code: 0 for control and 1 for active effect.


A numerical input that specifies the baseline proportion of subjects in the study (for example, "per 100 subjects")


A numerical input that is the length between observational periods.


Allows the user to change the colors of the table (defaults are provided). Must be vector of length 2, with color corresponding to benefit second and risk first.


A table.


gensurv_table(cumexcess, 100, 6)